Saturday, January 12, 2008

One more sad story...

I promise I will try to get off of the sad stories. When Chandler is here he leaves fingerprints on my doors and mirrors. I don't wash them off until he is coming back to my house and then he can leave fresh ones. I love to walk by the door and see those fingerprints after he has gone back to his house. As a matter of fact our living room furniture is that chocolate brown micro suede or microfiber (or whatever it is called) and yesterday I noticed some little toe prints on the side off my chair. Anyway...Rudy - Austin's dog that died last Sunday, always kept our back door so dirty. He would get in our swimming pool and then walk over to the door and rub his wet self all over the glass. There wasn't any sense in cleaning it because he did it several times a day. When I would clean the door he would start licking it. Well - today I decided it was time to clean the door so I got the window cleaner and wash cloth and started for the back door but the tears started coming and I just couldn't do it. I got Robert to do it for me. It has been such a sad week without Rudy here to greet us when we get home or just to watch him playing in the swimming pool or goofing around with Austin.


Nonnas News said...

How sad. Our pets are part of the family.

How sweet that you leave Chandler's fingerprints!

Kim said...

Lisa you have such a sweet heart...pets become a part of families, we don't have one but I have family that their pets are loved like family....I'm sorry your having a rough time.

About the fingerprints....I was just thinking the other day how much I have changed....we have a specific mirror that Max keeps a big smuge of fingerprints on all the time. Parenting in my 20's, those fingerprints all over the place I saw as a job to clean but now parenting this go around (in my late 20's....HA) I see those fingerprints as beautiful priceless art.

Kim said...

You have been on my mind this morning, and I lifted you up in prayer concerning Rudy. You are like someone else I know (myself) when you love deep!

((HUGS)) to my sweet friend,