Sunday, January 13, 2008

True friends

glitter graphics

True friends are those who know you and like you anyway!!! Well my sweet friends (and you know who you are-Kim, Patti, Amy...) have left me the sweetest comments concerning Austin's deceased dog and have even prayed for me. What more can you ask for in a friend. I am the president of Aggie Moms and last Sunday we had the 7th anniversary of the founding of our club. I called my girls and asked for help with my closing remarks. I asked them what advice they would give Aggie students (freshmen or transfer students or students in general). Britni said that they need to surround themselves with supportive friends and I think that is great advice- not just for college students but for everyone. Friends are a very important part of life!! Thank you, friends, for caring!!


Nonnas News said...

I'm glad we are friends. You and I have always had our girls in common and now we have granddaughters born on the same exact day!

It's been fun keeping up with each other thru our blogs, and making new friends thru blogging. There are a lot of wonderful people out there!

Kim said...

What a sweet post. You are a treasured friend of mine and I adore your entire family...yes...even Austin :-)