Thursday, January 24, 2008

Learning and Discovery- are they the same...

Chandler was old enough this year to begin Awana's at their church. I think his age group is called Cubbies. It is a really good program and the children learn so much. I know it must warm God's heart (as it does mine) to hear that precious Chandler recite his bible verses. When I was down last weekend he told me his verse for the week which was "Let the little children come unto Him. " Mark 10:14 I know God smiles when those little ones recite their verses.

Princess Rainey has discovered her fists and she tries so hard to get them both in her mouth.
Britni said that last night they were eating dinner and Rainey kept looking at Britni's plate. She would lean toward the plate and spit out her pacifier. She has figured out the connection with that plate of food.


Nonnas News said...

How sweet that Chandler is learning his bible verses.

Rainey is growing like a weed! She is so cute!

AMY said...

What a handsome Cubbie! Andrew loves being a cubbie bear this year. He thinks he is finally big like his brother.

Once Rainey gets a taste of real food there is no going back! I love watching babies try eating "big food". They just look like they are thinking "where has this good stuff been all my life?"