Monday, January 21, 2008

I have been tagged!!!

My friend, Patti, over at Nonna's News tagged me with "The Daily Dose" which is for "blogs that I must read everyday without fail.....They make you laugh, cry, think and feel connected every time you read a post. They give you a thrill as you see them loading into your browser and you get an equally satisfying thrill when you see that they have commented on your blog". Well...since I got started blogging that is the way I feel. There are about 5 that I check regularly and then I browse through others occassionally to see their layouts and subjects for posts and pics and such. It is fun and a way for friends and relatives to keep up with the happenings of my family. So here goes...

4 jobs I've had:
Pharmacy assistant
Aerial Photographer(I shot aerial photos from an airplane)
P.E. Teacher

4 movies watched over and over:
Big Jake
Christmas Vacation
Steel Magnolias
Major Payne

4 places I've lived:
Big Lake
Mt. Pleasant

4 shows I watch:
Young and the Restless
Without a Trace
CSI: Miami
Law and Order: SVU

4 places I've been:

4 people who email me regularly:
my sister
my mother-in-law
my other sister and brother-in-law

4 favorite things to eat:
homemade biscuits and gravy (ooh, I think that's what I will fix right now for lunch)
baked potato with lots of butter
hamburgers cooked on the grill

4 places I'd rather be:
anywhere with my family
on a cruise with my honey
in College Station with my girls and grandkids

4 things I look forward to this year:
seeing my middle daughter get married
summer vacation
seeing my oldest daughter in her first public school teaching job
spending time with my whole family celebrating birthdays or just getting together for no reason

4 people to tag:
Britni at Johnson and Johnson
Amy at Precious Riches
Kim at Our Big Happy Life
and the other blogs I check have already been tagged!

And there you have it!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I see that I have been tagged and honored I am!!....I couldn't get to it yesterday but if Mr. Max takes a good nap today I will have that list filled out and posted :-)

Hope your day is filled with greatness for you!!
