Thursday, January 17, 2008

Headed South...

I am headed to see my grandkids tomorrow as soon as I get off of work!! I can't wait! I talked to Chandler earlier this evening and he was telling me that his daddy was home which was early for Chuck. Chandler said that Daddy had already made money for today and that his daddy wore his church clothes to work because they had a big meeting and then he said- "he's the boss." I asked Chandler who was the boss at home-Daddy or Mommy and he quickly said "Mommy is." hee hee I will be back later with new pictures!! Have a great weekend!!


Nonnas News said...

You've been tagged! Check my blog for the questions.

I'm headed south also to see my little Avery!

Have a fun weekend!!

Kim said...

I can't wait to see pictures from your weekend. Be safe...and have fun.


AMY said...

Have a great time...I know chandler will be thrilled to have you all to himself. I love the new picture in your header! The girls look so cute laughing.