Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy January Birthdays!

Me and my brothers.

My brothers and I at ages 1, 3, and 5.

January is a busy month for birthdays in my family. My older brother, his wife and my younger brother all have birthdays within days of each other. Our daughter-in-law, Erin's birthday is in January and also my father-in-law's birthday was this month.

Steve and Tina

Uncle Jim and Rainey

Erin and Noah

I have 2 older sisters as well. After the 2nd one was born, so the story goes, she slept with Mother and Daddy for the next 10 years. They finally got her to her own room and then came my brother, then me and then my little brother. So it was actually like having two families. We have always been close and we have a great time together. Both of my brothers are big cut ups. Once when my older brother, Steve, and I were in high school- I was in band and he had athletics the same period. He came to the band hall one afternoon and asked to speak to me. It had been snowing and when I opened the door he and a few friends threw snowballs at me. I thought it was pretty funny but the band director didn't think so!! Everyone always put him up to pranks and he never let them down. One day he put a lizard in his teacher's book at the place they would be studying that day. She opened the book, saw the lizard and then slammed the book shut. I think she thought it was Steve but he assured her that he would do no such thing and she felt bad for accusing him. :) His friends also dared him to smoke a cigar in her class one day and he did. She smelled it and he stuck it in his sock so he wouldn't get caught and burned his leg. hee hee My daddy was a farmer and rancher so we were always having to work!! Ugh!! He had cotton and we had to hoe the weeds. One day he left Steve, Jim and I in the cotton field and Jim and I got into a fight. I would always scratch them and then I would get in trouble. Well this day was no different. I scratched Jim all over including his face. Then we knew we were going to get in so much trouble for fighting so we made up a story that Jim was chasing a rabbit and tripped and fell. The dirt was really dry and hard so that was possible. I guess Daddy decided that we must have worked the problem out ourselves so we didn't get in trouble even though I am sure he knew the rabbit story was not true. My sister-in-law, Tina, whose birthday is also in January is a sweetheart. She has to put up with my brother's pranks. People will call Tina on the phone and if Steve answers he always has something to say like, "she's at the beer store." One time he called my mom and told her he was with the phone company and they were going to "air out" the phone lines and that she would have to leave her phone off the hook for the next 30 minutes. He is always so believable when he disguises his voice that Mother believed him and she did it.
Anyway...happy birthday to my brothers, Steve and Jim and my sister-in-law, Tina.

1 comment:

AMY said...

What fun brothers you have. It is amazing how much you appreciate the craziest stuff about your family as you get older. The stuff that drove me crazy about my sisters is what I miss most now with them living far away.