Monday, December 10, 2007

Snow Village

Several years ago I started collecting houses for a snow village and I try to get a new house or tree or something each year and display it with lots of snow. We have all enjoyed it every year, but not as much as Chandler. I take great pains to place each house, inn, church, tree, etc in the best position- you know - like not putting the school house by the hunter's lodge and such. But takes me 2-3 days to put everything in it's place and make sure it looks right and then I sprinkle the snow all over.

Before Chandler...

As soon as Chandler arrived at my house this weekend, he got his cars and trucks and went straight to the village. I just let him play and rearrange all he wanted.

Watch for falling trees...

Sweet Angel...

I figure there will come a day when he will just want to watch TV or play vidoes games or whatever and I think Chritmas is all about the children so if Chandler wants to play in my snow village for a few years...that is fine with me!!


Nonnas News said...

I am getting more kid stuff for decorating now that Avery is here. I used to do it when the kids were little, then got to where I did more grown up decorating. Now Im having more fun decorating for her, even though she is too little to know all about it, she will in a year or so. I love your snow village!

Kim said...

hehehe....i love your post and i love chandler's way of designing the snow village much go chandler!!

Chandler RULES!!!.....I love that kid....he cracks me up.