Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Princess is 2 months old

Yesterday our little princess turned 2 months old. She has been such a blessing. She had to go for her 2 month check up yesterday and get 4 shots in her precious little legs. Her legs aren't very big and I think four shots is cruel and unusual punishment!!

Rainey is like having a little doll to play with. We dress her up and take all kinds of pictures. And I may get diabetes because I have to get so much sugar when she and her big brother are around!! :) Grandkids are just that - Grand!!


Sunshine Flows said...

Your Granddaughter is Precious. I remember spending time with my grandma!! She was grand too!

AMY said...

I thought I saw you with a sweet baby in your arms this past Sunday. You had that twinkle in your eye that every grandmother has...much in love. I hope you had a great visit. It looks to me like you did!