Monday, December 24, 2007

The gang's all here...

Kylie is home! Yea!! She got in about 11:40 p.m. Sunday night. Chuck, Britni, Chandler and Rainey are at the other grandparents today but they will be back tonight to spend the night and wait for Santa to arrive. When all of the kids are back home- all seems right with the world. I love it when I can hear Austin and his friends downstairs laughing and cutting up. I love it when Kylie is home and I hear her chatting on the phone with Steven late at night and I love it when Chuck, Britni and the kids are here and I hear Chandler's precious voice, Rainey's baby sounds and Britni humming Jesus Loves me to her child the way I used to hum to her. Besides salvation and knowing that Jesus was born and then died for me - I had a debt I couldn't pay and He paid my debt for me-the next best gift is having my children back home and enjoying each other's company. They grew up way too fast. It seems that we flew through each stage and it will bring a tear if I let it but I know that they have to grow up and move on-that's the way my mind says it is supposed to be but my heart doesn't like it. But anyway...let me get off of this downer.

Santa Claus is coming tonight!! Chandler is so excited. He is at just the right age for Christmas. The excitement is almost too much for him. He told Kylie that "Santa is happy with glee, because it is Christmas." He has wanted to open the presents ever since he got here. He thinks he knows what Granna got for him. He said it is cars and I asked him why he thought I got that for him. He said, "Because that's what I told you I wanted." He knows Granna way to well!!


Nonnas News said...

Hope you all have a joyous Christmas together! Enjoy those grandkids!!

AMY said...

Have a fabulous time with those kiddos. I saw Chandler with his Christmas tie at church...TOO HANDSOME!