Sunday, December 23, 2007

The fun has begun...

Wow! School is out for Christmas break and some of my children are already here and we are having so much fun. Chuck, Britni, Chandler and Rainey came Friday night. Austin had Cari over last night and Kylie is coming this afternoon.

Chandler loves to help in the kitchen. He helped me make biscuits yesterday morning and helped make peanut butter cookies with the chocolate kiss on top. He really likes those cookies!!

We watched several Christmas movies including Home Alone and Santa Claus 3.

I live with the Grinch so we didn't watch that one. :) We always watch Christmas Vacation on Christmas Eve night. We have watched it for so many years that the kids can quote about every line!! The other night Austin and some of his friends-Hayden, Ryan and Neal-were at our house when I got home from a meeting. They were watching Home Alone and just laughing. It was pretty cute listening to those guys watch the movie and recite lines and just laugh!!

Time for church.
(Chandler wearing Grandad's tie. So cute!!)

1 comment:

Nonnas News said...

My guys can recite every line of that movie also. We watch it every Thanksgiving night to kick of the Christmas season. Its a tradition at our house!

Have fun with those grandkids!!