Sunday, December 16, 2007

Aggie Graduate- WHOOP!!

Congratulations, Kylie!! We are so proud of you!!

Kylie graduated from Texas A&M University on Saturday. She is actually class of '08 so she finished early and we are excited about that. She will enter nursing school in the fall.

Kylie was determined to wear polka dot shoes to graduation! I searched until I finally found some on eBay. :) The graduates decorate the tops of their caps so families can find them in the huge sea of graduates. Kylie had a pink sequined '08.

Yes-she did get a Cindy cake.

Britni, Kylie and Austin (and Rainey)

Other family members that came to graduation were Kylie's Aunt Ann and cousins Kristie and Dylan, grandmother-Mimi and Aunt Cheryl.

And her fiance Steven.


Nonnas News said...

Congrats! I know you are all very proud of Kylie!!

Kim said...

Congratulations Kylie....I think you were missing a son in the family picture.
