Saturday, November 17, 2007

Grandmother's Club

Now I will tell you about a very important club. Yes- the "Grandmother's Club". I joined several years ago. As a matter of fact it was 4 years 8 months and 17 days ago when a precious blonde haired blue eyed baby boy with velvet skin was born. That was the day that Chandler grabbed ahold of my heart and has not let go. He is so wonderful that it sometimes brings tears! It just keeps getting better. "Granna" sounds so sweet when he says it- sometimes with his hick drawl. :) He'll say "Granna, you want to play with me?" Well, of course I do! That was why I was put on this earth!! We play with cars and trucks mostly and sometimes with his Thomas the train set. Last year for Christmas we gave him a pair of black cowboy boots and some Wrangler jeans. He loves to wear boots and jeans. I dug Austin's little cowboy belt with his name on it out of his baby/little boy storage box and Chandler always wants to wear Austin's belt when he comes. I think he took it home with him this last time.
I love his little feet. I love to get his socks off and kiss them. He thinks that he is getting too old now for me to kiss them but I still try. Robert says I might as well kiss Chandler's feet since I worship the ground he walks on. That Robert- he is a funny and wise old man. I could go on and on and you know I will come back to it. I have two more reasons why I joined the club- one with red hair and then the princess. Britni and the children spent last week with us and when they started to leave last Monday he said "Granna, do you kiss my picture when I'm gone." hee hee I sure do little precious, I sure do!!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I am right there with you, with the feet...I could just eat Max's feet up they are so sweet :-)