Saturday, November 17, 2007

This was one of the best days of my life, 22 years ago for today(November 19th) is our middle daughter's birthday. God gave us such a wonderful gift that we did not deserve - a beautiful baby girl. Kylie Blair is 22 years old. Wow! It really wasn't that long ago that we got her! She was 2 weeks past her due date, but when she decided to come, she came rather quickly!! No time for an epideral. Yikes!! But she was definately worth the wait and the pain.

Kylie will graduate from Texas A&M University (Whoop!) in December and will attend nursing school in the fall. Her plans are to be a labor and delivery nurse.

Kylie Blair, I love you so much precious girl. You are so beautiful, intelligent, determined, head strong, tender hearted, sincere, honest, humble, dedicated, and so much more. You are such a precious gem (Stevie Jym). heehee I hope you have a wonderful day, my princess. I thank God for sending you to me. I am so glad that you are my daughter!! God sent us the very best when he sent us You!!

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