Thursday, April 7, 2011

Our shining Star!!

On Tuesday evening we headed out after school to see our grandson, Chandler perform in his little 2nd grade music program. 

The program was about bugs and it was really cute!!  All the students did a super job.

Chandler did a great job saying his part!!  He got up to the microphone and belted his part out loud and clear!! 

Afterwards we had him do a re-enactment so we could get more pictures.

Sister had to get in on the act as well.  LOL

Special guests for the program were Uncle Steven and Aunt KyKy.

And Grandad and Granna.

Chandler's other grandparents, Mark and Becky; great-grandmother, Peggy  and Aunt Katie also attended but I didn't get any pictures of them nor his mom and dad.