Ode to Jeanell - my M.I.L.
There once was a lady named Jeanell.
Her family and friends thought she was swell.
Yes was the word that she said,
When the young man named Bob asked her to wed.
They were married for 50 years plus,
And they hardly ever had a fuss.
Three amazing children blessed their lives,
One got a husband- the other 2 got wives.
Her children blessed her with 12 grandkids galore,
And these grandkids blessed her with 16 (and 1 more on the way) great-grandchildren more.
For 30 years I've known this sweet lady,
Since I married her son in 1980.
I know my poetry is really a mess,
But my hope for your birthday - may God richly bless!!
Love you!!
Cute! ;) The blog background is cute too. :)
Very cute :)
i posted here how I get diapers for so cheap!!
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