Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happy Birthday,Chandler!!

Seven years ago today, I joined the best club in the world - the grandmother's club. I told you all about this club in a previous post. Our first grandson, Chandler was born and my world hasn't been the same!! He has been such a blessing.

Chandler was born and then all of a sudden he was walking and talking. What a little sweetheart and he knows his Granna loves him very much!!!

He is handsome, funny, smart and so much fun to hang out with. Right now he loves Lego's!! I love to hear him read and he reads everything. We were at church with them on Sunday and I noticed he was reading the words to the songs when they would put them up on the big screen.

He had a birthday party with friends last Saturday. They played with Lego's, "pinned the logo on the Lego", and some other board games. He had a good time. Here are some pics from the party.

Happy Birthday, Chandler!! I love you soooo much!!!

1 comment:

Nonnas News said...

Happy Birthday Chandler!! What a fun party! I love all the bright primary colors!