Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fall or winter???

The falling leaves make it seem like fall but with cooler temps and Christmas upon us it seems like winter so while we are stuck in between Chandler got the rakes from the garage and wanted me to help him rake leaves. I told him that I really didn't want to and he said "Lazy." I told him that was right - I just wanted to be lazy during the vacation. Of course I ended up raking leaves with him and then let him have all the fun jumping in them. Well - he and Olsen!! LOL

This one cracks me up. With his blond fuzzy hair and one beautiful blue eye peeking through the leaves - it reminds me of a little bird in its nest. :)


Nonnas News said...

too cute!!!

AMY said...

I agree with the birdie in the nest. You should crop that picture and send it into a contest. I LOVE IT!