Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The North Pole of Texas

We took our annual train ride at the North Pole of Texas.

We started going the year Chuck and Britni were expecting Chandler and have gone every year since he has been here - a total of 7 years. It is always fun to watch the little ones when the train pulls into Santa's workshop and they see Santa Claus. When Chuck and Britni took the kids to see Santa earlier Rainey wanted nothing to do with him but last night she let him touch her hand and pat her on the back - because - he gave her candy.

She started saying something about candy - I am not sure exactly what she was saying but she was excited.

And yes - all of us piled into 1 train car!! Togetherness is what it is all about! LOL!!

Uncle Austin and Rainey - what a pair!!

Afterwards Chandler wanted some yummy hot chocolate!!

It has been fun this season because Chandler is so excited about Christmas and Rainey is just learning about Santa. Fun, fun!!

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