Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Happy 21st Birthday, Austin!!

Wow!!! Our baby boy is 21 today!! I know you are thinking - how can that be? Lisa is not that old! I know, I know - but indeed our baby is twenty-one years old today!! It seems like just the other day. I texted him at midnight to wish him happy birthday. Yes - he texted back! Did you think he was asleep already?? Yeah - right.

The girls were so excited to have a baby brother. Kylie said, "Let's name him Austin." But she drug out the Aus and it sounded more like Oestin. Britni was determined she was having a brother. I told her that we didn't have any say in the matter and that God would give us what He wanted us to have. I said, "Britni, what if God decides that we need another baby sister?" She quickly replied, "Well, we will keep it for 2 weeks and send it back!!" Thank goodness we got Austin and we didn't have to "send it back".

Austin - you have been so much fun. We have been so blessed with such a wonderful son!! I miss you sooo much way off out west. We love you and hope you have a great birthday. Can't wait to see you this weekend!!!

1 comment:

The Links said...

Haha...Britni was much nicer than me. I have 2 brothers. One older and one younger. My little brother was actually born on my 4th birthday. I asked my Mom if I could have a sister on my birthday, but she told me it was probably going to be a boy. I told her if it was a boy I would flush him down the toilet. It was a boy, but didn't ever flush him down the toilet and I"m sure glad I didn't!!