Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Camp Granna - final days

Camp Granna was kind of hit or miss this summer. We were here for a few days and then went back to celebrate birthdays and then came back to Camp Granna for a day and then went back to help Chuck and Britni move into their new home.

On Wednesday morning it was cool out under the trees so Chandler and Rainey played a while in the sandbox.

Then they played on the swingset (slide) until it started to warm up.

Then we headed to the pool. They are getting a great tan!!

After Rainey went to bed, Chandler did some finger painting.

The next day we headed to take the grandkids back and move them all to their brand new home!! They took a family vacation this week and it is very quiet around my house!!! Until next year - Camp Granna 2010. Can't wait!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lookd like you had another successful Camp Granna. I know they kids look forward to it each year.