Sunday, August 16, 2009

Turn out the lights-the party's over . . .

. . . or like Steven and Chandler at the pool - my summer vacation is going . . .

going . . .

going . . .


Time to go back to school. No more running to get the grandkids in the middle of the week or running to see the Rangers play or floating lazily in the pool in the middle of the day. But then their are new students to get to know and football and grandkids fall basketball and family reunions and so on!!!

Here are are few picture memories from summer:

washing cars . . .

celebrating birthdays . . .

taking naps . . .

losing teeth . . .

playing . . .

being silly . . .

and just relaxing!!!

So it is off to work we go!!


Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful school year.

Nonnas News said...

I hope you have a great new school year!!