Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

Had a fabulous Mother's Day weekend with the whole family.  Robert was actually off on Saturday and Sunday so we headed to see the kids. On Saturday the girls and I went to get pedicures.  So nice and relaxing!!!


Afterwards we picked up Chick-fil-a and went back to Britni's.  We hung out for a while and then I walked up to Steven and Kylie's to babysit Harrison and Hadley.  May 3rd was their anniversary so they were going on a late anniversary date.  Once the grands woke up from their nap we walked back down to Britni's to hang out and eat dinner.  Fun day just being with the family!! 

Hadley and Grandad watching the Rangers.

Kinsler and Grandad taking a walk.
Chandler and Rainey worked on Mother's Day cards for their mom.  They each wrote their own - came up with their own ideas and they were so sweet!!!
On Sunday we went to church.  It was Hadley's big day! 
They were having baby dedication at their church and we got to be a part.

Precious baby girl and her parents!!!


Hadley admiring her shoes.  They were her mommy's shoes when she was a baby. 

They were presented with a certificate and a little bible for Hadley. 
After lunch at Dickey's - yum - we tried to get some pictures!  Always a challenge!!  Then we went to check out the area where Chuck and Britni are going to build a new home.  Then we stopped in for a visit with Trevor, Erin, Noah and Sam but I didn't even think to get me camera out of the car!! 


  Robert got me some sweet cards and these beautiful flowers.  Britni's and Kylie's families gave me very sweet cards and Kylie treated me to Mother's Day lunch. 

Britni's family gave me this sweet little block

Chandler and Rainey filled in this little booklet and they know their Granna well.  It has things like My Granna like to watch . . . Chandler put" Young and the Restless" and Rainey put "me".
My Granna likes to listen to. . .Chandler put "my stories" and Rainey put "music
My Granna likes to . . .Chandler put "spend time with my family" and Rainey put "spend time with Chandler, Kinsler and Rainey."

Harrison and Hadley made this sweet picture for me.  Harrison chose the red background color especially for Granna. 

So it was a great Mother's Day visiting with all of the kids and grandkids.

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