Saturday, June 2, 2012

Gender Reveal - boy or girl????

On May 18th, I attended my first Gender Reveal party. We were about to find out if the new grandbaby is a boy or a girl!! It was quite exciting. Britni had everything decorated so cute, of course!! We played a little Wive's Tale game to try to determine what they are having. And we found out that Chuck and Britni already knew. Britni has never liked surprises so I don't know why she even decided to do this. :) She and Chuck found out at her doctor appointment but had already planned the party so they didn't let on that they knew for 2 days!!! But anyway . . .

Big brother, Chandler cut the cake to reveal while big sister, Rainey waits to see!!  It's a . . .


Harrison enjoying a little ice cream from Uncle Chuck's place of emplyment.  :)

Afterwards there was a little rope jumping . . .

 . . . and some bike riding.  Rainey learned to ride her bike without the training wheels!!! 

We had fun and can't wait to wlecome Johnson baby boy in the fall!!


1 comment:

The Links said...

Ha how funny. I didn't know that they knew before the party!!