Sunday, November 29, 2009


We had a blessed Thanksgiving even though we were all scattered. Robert headed to see his mom on Wednesday and Steven went on Tuesday to see his family. Kylie had to work so I decided to stay here so she wouldn't be alone. We weren't sure whether or not Austin would be able to come home due to his work schedule but as it turned out he did come in on Wednesday evening. Since it was the in-laws year Britni and her family were going to be out there. The grandkids and their mom came in Wednesday afternoon with Kylie so I got to visit with them. I didn't set up my Christmas village last year since Rainey was just toddling but Chandler has always had so much fun with it that I decided to set it up this year. When they arrived Chandler was pretty excited because I always let him play in the "snow" with his cars.

Rainey was amazed.

She would bend down and look in the houses to see if anyone was there. Chandler headed to the toy closet to get his cars and then he and Rainey set to work rearranging the village. And rearrange - they did!!!

By the time they left on Saturday there was snow everywhere!!! I had wisemen in the library and baby Jesus on the ice skating pond. There were 18 wheelers backed up to the church. I had snow drifts completely covering street lights and blocking the entrance to the inn - no wonder there was "no room" there.

On Thanksgiving day it was just Kylie, Austin and I. Britni, Chuck and children came over later that night to watch the Aggies and spend the night. On Friday Kylie and I took family pics of Chuck, Britni, Chandler and Rainey for Christmas cards and such. We each took about 250 pics so hopefully there will be a couple of good ones. Thank goodness for digital cameras - just trash the bad ones. :) Here are a few of my favorites.

Kylie headed home on Friday evening. Steven was headed home from his parents and Kylie would have to go in to work again this evening. Britni and her family headed home Saturday afternoon to get ready for teaching a Sunday school class on Sunday and school on Monday. Austin headed out today (Sunday). It poured rain on him for about an hour and a half and there was tons of traffic so he decided to go to Britni's for a few hours and then spend the night with a friend. He will head out again in the morning.

It is always a great time when family is around. It is so quiet when they all leave and I have to adjust to that again. But in a few short weeks - hopefully they will all be back for Christmas.

1 comment:

AMY said...

I love how the kids arranged the snow village! I had to laugh. I would have fun rearranging too.

Being from a big family, I like the sound of a house full of people too.