Monday, September 28, 2009

Who needs IHOP??

Britni, Chuck, Chandler and Rainey were home this past weekend for homecoming. On Saturday morning I was awakened by a little angel voice. Chandler said, "Granna, are you coming? It's 8:26." Who could lay there and sleep??!! We went downstairs and I decided to make some pancakes and my little angel buddy wanted to help. It was just Chandler and I and it was peaceful and quiet as Grandad was outside getting ready to mow the yard and everyone else was still asleep.

While cracking the eggs and letting them slide out of the shell, Chandler said, "This looks like snot." He wasn't grossed out. He was simply making a statement.

The little princess woke up in time to help eat the pancakes.

Fun times making memories!!


AMY said...

Here's to good times with your little chef and his baby sister, the food critic! You are such a wonderful grandmother. Kids remember those little moments the most.

Nonnas News said...

Chandler looks like quite the chef! Those pancakes look yummy!

johnson said...

She doesn't look like such a princess in this picture!!! Big, blue eyes!!!