Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Baseball, hot dogs and apple pie

Well - it was actually baseball, hot dogs, cotton candy, cokes, peanuts, nachos, water . . .

Kylie had mentioned that Steven wanted to go to the Astros vs. Rangers game. Growing up in Houston, Steven is a big Astros fan, but we love him anyway!! We took Chandler to his first Ranger game last year and he wanted to go again so the girls checked with the whole family and Trevor ordered the tickets. We all ended up going except for Chuck who had to work. Anyway, we had a great time even though the Astros won that night.

Look at these two handsome little fans. This was Noah's first Ranger game.

Look at these two handsome fans!! :)

Cotton candy! YUM!

Chandler and Austin studying the program.

Enjoying the game.

Enjoying each other.

Getting sleepy!

Britni wanted to take home a souvenir.

I couldn't tell you a lot that happened in the game but we had a good time!!

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