Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Our graduate!! Yea, Kylie!!

I need to back up to May 6. We left after school that day and headed to Houston. Kylie's pinning ceremony was on Thursday afternoon. Kylie thought they were going to pin them with burnt orange ribbon since it is a tu branch so Thursday morning we went to Joann's and bought maroon ribbon. :) The students were allowed to choose who they wanted to "pin" them so Steven got to "pin" Kylie. That was pretty neat. He deserved the honor after dealing with Kylie's ups and downs through this accelerated program. I thought it was neat because I have heard that other schools have a designated pinner or the students choose one of their professors.

After the ceremony we headed to the car but there was a statue of a man on a horse and I wanted to take some pictures of Chandler beside it. Well - Chandler wanted to get under it. I couldn't figure out why but I helped him up on the rocks and this is how he posed. We thought this was pretty funny that he thought this up all on his own.

After that we had dinner and relaxed and visited. Later Robert, Steven and Chandler went to get ice cream while Britni, Kylie and I watched Gray's Anatomy. They have a place in Houston called Ritter's that has great ice cream!!

On Friday, we slept in and then the girls and I had a couple of errands. We ran through Big Daddy's BBQ to get food for an early dinner. Robert's mother - Jeanell and his sister and brother-in-law - Cheryl and Travis met us at the apartment for barbecue and we all headed to the graduation. On the way to the graduation, Chandler and I sat in the "way back" (as Chandler calls the 3rd row seat in the Tahoe) and I noticed a man laying under one of the underpasses and started to point him out to Chandler but I wasn't really sure I was up for explaining the whole situation. Chandler was facing me and all of a sudden he said, "There's a man under the bridge." I told him that he was there because he didn't have a home to go to. Chandler said, "I know. He's survivaling." About that time he saw another one and he called for Britni and said, "Mommy, I saw two survivalers." LOL Also during the trip- it takes a while to travel anywhere in Houston due to traffic - so I was asking Chandler questions about school. I asked him to count by 2's and 5's and 10's and the odd numbers by 2's and he did it but he said those were easy. Then he said "I can count to 100." So he did. I started asking questions about other things and I asked him what is the capital of Texas. He said, "T". I asked if they study capitals in kindergarten and then I asked him again the capital of Texas and again he said "T" and then it dawned on me what he was talking about and he was right!! Pretty smart boy!! We finally got to the graduation and watched our baby girl graduate. At the end they sang "The Eyes of Texas." Our Aggie graduates wouldn't stand. Robert's mother made him stand and I stood because I knew my baby girl was having to stand.

We topped off the evening with cake and ice cream!! Yum!! Notice the tiger striped stethoscope, the zebra striped bandaides and the capsules around the bottom.

We are so proud of you, Kylie and we know you will be a great nurse!! Good luck to you and Steven with you new jobs!!


Nonnas News said...

How exciting!! I know you are very proud of Kylie!!

Anonymous said...

It was great to be a part of this great celebration of Kylie's accomplishent!! - Aunt Cheryl

AMY said...

Congratulations to Kylie. Survivalers...too cute!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kylie. I know you are all very proud of her. What a great accomplishment.