Monday, April 6, 2009

Fast and Furious

Kylie and Steven came in Friday. Kylie had an interview and Steven went to a job fair on Saturday. It was a quick trip for them as they had to go back Saturday evening. Kylie had a clinical on Sunday.

Doesn't Steven look handsome? Kylie was being silly because she still had her pjs on and no make up!!

The little ones tried to make the most of their time with KyKy. Chandler kept KyKy busy playing cars . . .

. . . and trains.

So Rainey entertained herself by climbing into her shopping cart . . .

. . .playing with her sunglasses and . . .

. . . taking care of her baby. She first hugs it, pats its little back . . .

. . . and then gives it a night night kiss.


johnson said...

The last picture looks a little weird!!! Were you laying on your stomach but turned all the way around to take the pic?!?!?!!? Looks kind of freaky with my feet in the pic!! Love you!!! Thanks for donating for relay for life!!

ashley said...

how cute! Looks like everyone was having so much fun!

Nonnas News said...

Looks like you had a fun, fast and furious time!! LOL

AMY said...

Sweet pics of a fun weekend!