Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ode to Flat Stanley

Where is Flat Stanley??

We have been looking for our cat - which Chandler named Flat Stanley - after a character in a book that he likes. Well . . .Flat Stanley lived up to his name. He didn't make it across 37. :(


ashley said...

ooooh....poor kitty. I tried not to laugh, but the way you worded his death made me chuckle. =) I like cats though, so I'm sorry!

Nonnas News said...

So sorry to hear about Flat Stanley.

I hope all goes well for Ann when she has her surgery. We are both gonna feel so much better once its done!

Anonymous said...

Oh I am sorry to hear about your cat, but I do have to admit that I had a slight chuckle when I read the post. Flat Stanley did indeed live up to his name.

I hope yall are able to get a new cat soon.

Seitzs Stories said...

Poor Flat Stanley...