Monday, April 13, 2009

Fun Times

It was a great weekend. Since we didn't have school on Friday I decided to do a little light cleaning Friday morning and head to see the grandbabies that afternoon. We had projects we needed to do together. While cleaning on Friday morning I got a phone call from Kylie saying they were coming home for the weekend. She and Steven both had interviews lined up for today. I was glad that I had already done some cleaning.

I got to Chandler and Rainey's about the middle of the afternoon. They had dyed some eggs and Chandler was ready to decorate. After we decorated a few eggs we needed to run to Target.

When we got back Chandler and I started on project number 1. We were going to make Easter cookies. You know - the ones where you read bible verses along with each step and then put them in the oven over night. When Chandler got up on Saturday morning he headed straight to the oven to check the cookies.

Yes, Easter cookies for breakfast. Why not??

Project number 2 were "bird nests". Chandler thought those were pretty cool and when no one was watching, Rainey helped herself to the eggs.

Chandler had a baseball game on Saturday morning. His first at bat he hit the ball well and straight past the pitcher. He made it to first. The next player hit and Chandler got to 3rd. The next batter hit and Chandler scored!! Those little ones are pretty cute. Chandler is using Uncle Austin's bat from when he played t-ball. Britni says she has tried to get Chandler to use his own bat but he keeps putting Austin's bat in his bag to use at the games.

Rainey rooting for big brother! Yeah right-

Is this not the sweetest picture of my precious grandson??!!

I headed back home after the game making a couple of stops along the way. Steven and Kylie made it later in the evening. We went to church on Sunday morning, came home and had lunch and then Kylie and I looked through some picture albums. We laughed a lot!! My sister came by for a bit and then it was time for Kylie and Steven to leave. They went to Chuck and Britni's to spend the night. Their interviews went well so please pray that something will work out!! Hopefully they will know something soon!!


Nonnas News said...

What a nice Easter weekend! Good luck to Kylie and Steven!!

Unknown said...

Awww- what wonderful pictures!! I DO love kids t-ball. My friend's son had a little boy on his team that would only skip between bases... he refused to run. SO cute!!