Monday, March 23, 2009

Springtime fun

We had a great weekend with all of the children and grandchildren home. Kylie had an interview on Friday and it went well. Keep her in your prayer as she hopes to hear something in the next couple of days. We really hope she gets this one but if not, God has a different plan for her. She had to go back on Saturday because she had a wedding Saturday night and a clinical on Sunday. I miss her already!!! Austin was home all week for spring break and I think it was harder this time to let him go!! I thought it was supposed to get easier. Britni, Chuck and the kids left on Sunday evening and it really got quiet!! The weather was nice while everyone was home so we got to enjoy being outside- especially the little ones.

Sweet little dirty face

Monkey boy

Got my Harley- now let's roll.

Chandler helped Grandad haul limbs. Such a good helper!!!

Rainey loved the water even if it was cold!!

Such a precious little boy!


Nonnas News said...

Cute pictures! It was a nice weekend to enjoy being outside. We worked in the flower beds. I will keep Kylie in my prayers!

NaShae said...


I got the tape today for Kylie's wedding! We will get it back to you as soon as possible! Have a great week.


ashley said...

What great pictures! I'll keep my fingers crossed for Kylie! Do you know where Rainey's dress is from? I love it!

Unknown said...

THey are just the cutest kids!!! I love their smiles!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures! Good luck to Kylie! I hope everything works out for her.