Sunday, March 1, 2009

Birthday Bash!!

We had a great weekend and it was really special because all of our children were there. Austin came home on Wednesday evening since he only has classes on Monday and Wednesday so we got to have him for several days but still not long enough!! Steven and Kylie went to Chuck and Britni's on Thursday evening. Trevor, Erin and Noah came on Saturday for the party. Kylie and Steven kept Rainey on Friday and had lunch with Chandler at his school which was pretty entertaining. We went down Friday after school and the girls and I headed to the nail salon for a much needed pedicure. Kylie was going to a job fair on Saturday morning so we had to get her clothed for that. We had to make a late night run to the store for a cute jacket to finish her outfit. We were all up early Saturday morning with last minute errands for the party and getting Kylie off to the job fair. Chandler kept saying we needed to go to the park because it was 2 o'clock. Of course it was freezing cold!!! And the wind was blowing at least 50 miles an hour at the park but those little kindergartens had a blast and I don't think they realized it was cold. Chandler was all smiles and said he had fun. Rainey was having a blast as well but we finally had to get her out of the cold and take her home for a nap.

We had a great time!! Trevor, Erin and Noah left after the party. Steven and Kylie left Saturday night because Kylie had to be at the hospital this morning at 6:45 for clinicals and Austin left this morning. The kids all made it home safely. We went to church this morning with Britni and her family and then headed back home this afternoon. And it's back to the grind tomorrow!!!


Nonnas News said...

Sounds like a busy and fun weekend!The weekends go by too fast when we are with our kids!Looks like Chandler had a great party!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you had a wonderful time with your family. Looks like Chandler made out like a bandit.

Have a good week.