Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Family Christmas

We slid into the new year with my side of the family's Christmas get together on January 1st.

We usually have to wait until after Christmas due to my brothers' work schedules. We had a good time, lots of great food and lots of laughs . . .

. . . and lots of hugs!!


Kim said... have a lot of people on your side to celebrate fun....the more the merrier.

I love the picture of your cuties on the slide!

I got Vivi Jo's kitchen at Target. I love it and she loves it!...she has been cooking up a mess of food, so come on over some day and she can fix us lunch :-). One thing I like about it is that it's not HUGE, it is big enough to have fun with but doesn't take up 1/2 the room.

Later tater,

Anonymous said...

What sweet pictures!!