Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Family Reunion

This past weekend we had the annual Rainey Family Reunion. There are only 3 of A. C. and Beulah's (my grandparents) children left.

We always have a good time visiting and sharing memories. Except this year wasn't so much fun because Kylie and Steven (and others) didn't get to come. :(
The younger ones always get up a game of football or the little ones enjoy rolling down the big hill. The food is always soooo good.

Then for fun and to raise money to pay rent on the building or buy the paper products, etc for the next year we have an auction of homemade (and sometimes not homemade) items. My brother is a big cut up and he entertains with his auctioneering.

Until next year. . .

1 comment:

Nonnas News said...

I love family reunions! You got some great pictures!