Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Baby Girl is 23!!

Our baby girl is 23 years old today. Wow- the time has passed too quickly. We are so proud of you, Kylie and we hope you have a wonderful birthday. We love you so much!!! (Which reminds me of a song - "I Saw God Today" by George Strait)

This past weekend we went down for a surprise visit. Kylie has been studying hard and doing clinicals and had been down in the dumps so I checked it out with Steven and decided to surprise her since we wouldn't get to see her on her actual birthday. I think she was glad to see us and needed the little bit of distraction. Kylie had been wanting to see this exhibit at the museum called Body Worlds. It is actual human bodies that people have donated to science and they have been preserved through a process called plastination. It was really awesome to see all of the muscles, bones, blood vessels, etc that make up our body.

After that we went to Olive Garden for an early birthday dinner. Then we went back to their apartment and watched a couple of movies before going to bed. We enjoyed our time with Kylie and Steven and wish it could have been longer.

Happy Birthday, Precious Girl!!


Unknown said...

Awww - happy birthday!!!

And what a good thing to do - go and distract her a bit... good job mom!

AMY said...

You have such beautiful sweet daughters. Happy Birthday Kylie!