Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sick babies

I am taking care of sick grandkids today. Britni called yesterday and said she had taken Chandler to the doctor. He has had a nagging cough for a while and he has gotten so congested. The doctor thought it might be pneumonia so she was taking him for an x-ray. On her way, the babysitter called and told her that Rainey was running a fever. Chuck has been out of town all week for his work and that was about all Britni could take. When she started crying I knew I would be calling in to take off of work so I could help her out. You know it all seems to happen when dad is gone. The babies are still asleep so I thought I would catch up on my blogging!!

Also - I have been boo-ed by my friend, Patti over at Nonna's News. Here is how the blogging boo will go. Go to as many friends as you want and tell them they've been "Boo-ED". Have them link back to your blog to pick up their Halloween Treat (picture) and tell them to Boo their friends. (Then put the pic in your side bar so everyone knows that you've already been Boo-ed and to send the pic to someone else. So I am booing everyone that reads this!! Have fun!!


Anonymous said...

I hope the little ones get to feeling better soon. I know Britni is glad to have your help.

Unknown said...

Awww... yeah for you. I know I wish I was close enough to Grandma's to be able to allow them to help in those kind of situations ;)

Drink some OJ so you don't get whatever they've got!!!

Nonnas News said...

Sorry to hear the grandkids are sick! Poor Britney. But she is very lucky to be able to call you to help out.I'm on my way to see my little angel right now. I bought Aaron's laptop when he got his new computer so now I can blog while traveling!!