Tuesday, October 7, 2008


We had a great time at the reunion and yes I survived the plane ride both ways.

We went to check into the hotel but our room was not ready so we walked across the street to eat lunch while we waited. Once the room was ready we checked in and then headed upstairs where Robert's classmates were gathering. These were a couple of his good friends. Robert played basketball with the one on the left and they ran around a lot together.

That night we went to the football game. They had marked off a section for the class and had welcome signs on the rails and fence. It was a good game but unfortunately the home team lost. We had fun cheering and visiting.

The next day they had scheduled a tour of the high school. That was neat listening to all the stories and memories and seeing how it had changed since they graduated. A group of student council students helped with the tour. It was a neat group of kids. The students taught the old timers (LOL) how to do the rocket. It was pretty cute.

This was in the gym where Robert spent most of his time. Several of his classmates told me how awesome he was at basketball.

After the tour Robert and I drove around town to see the house where he grew up and the elementary and junior high schools that he attended. This is the 2nd house Robert lived in. His parents had it built when he was in 6th grade, I believe and they lived there until they retired. However, when they lived there they did not have a rock yard. They had beautiful St. Augustine grass in the front and back. Many of the homes there have rock yards.

The house next door had used black and white rock.

This house down the road had a cactus garden along with the rocks.

After that we went to eat with Robert's good friend and his wife. Chico's tacos are not like the tacos we normally eat, but they were pretty good.

After lunch we went with John and Barbara driving around town to see UTEP, the historic district, downtown and the scenic drive over the mountains.

This shows how close we were to the Mexico border.

That night there was a dinner and dance. They had a slide show of pics from high school and a band played after dinner. It was really nice and a lot of people from his class were there.

These were a couple of friends that Robert played basketball with in high school.

Sunday morning we got up early and headed to the airport. The trip home was a little bumpy in the beginning trying to get over the clouds but we made it home safely. We had not been to El Paso in 22 years so it was a good trip.


Unknown said...

Well... that looks like you had a good time!! So many good memories for your hubby! That's wonderful! GLad you're home safe & sound.

Nonnas News said...

How exciting that must have been for Robert to see his old alma mater!! And all his friends. Looks like you both had a great time!!

AMY said...

I'm glad you guys had a fun and safe trip. West Texas has a charm of it's own. We went back to Alpine in the Big Bend area a couple of years ago. The boys were looking around for the cowboys and indians.

I'm glad you and Britni enjoyed the pumpkin display. I cracked up when I saw that. I guess we have the same sick sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you made it home safely. Sounds as if you all had a wonderful time. It is always nice catching up with old friends.

Have a good week.

Kim said...

Glad you are home safe and sound. It's fun to see and catch up with old friend....speaking of OLD...I think old Robert looks pretty good for his age....hehehe. I know he reads your comments some time...I just couldn't resist.
