Friday, October 31, 2008

I've been in a wreck. Thanks for answering the phone.

That's the text I received from my son today. He didn't have to work today so the plan was that he would go get lunch for us from the BBQ place and then after lunch he was going to take my car to get the oil changed. I started trying to call Austin about 11:20 to make sure he was up and ready since my lunch is a quick 30 minutes that starts at 11:50. I called and called and called the house phone and I called and called and called his cell phone. Then I thought maybe he had to go in to work after all so I sent a text message. He always texts back but this time he didn't. After I had tried to make contact for about 15-20 minutes I have now gone from aggravated, to almost angry to beginning to get worried!! I didn't have lunch so I needed to go get something. I decided to swing by his work and if his vehicle was in the parking lot then I wouldn't have to go home to check on him. In all this time it NEVER occurred to me that he might not have his phone with him. I don't know why because he is sometimes not the most responsible person. I was leaving the school my phone rang. Finally!!! He had taken his truck to get the oil changed and thought he would be finished in time to pick up lunch and he told me that he had left his phone at home. Oh - that NEVER occurred to me!! I told him I would go get lunch and he would meet me back at school. I went and got lunch, went back to school and proceeded to eat my baked potato because my students were coming back at 12:20. I finished my potato and Austin still was not at the school. I thought - wow - how long does it take to change the oil for crying out loud. For some reason I decided to get my phone out. I don't know why- because remember - Austin's phone was at home!! When I opened it there was a text message which said, "I've been in a wreck. Thanks for answering the phone." Well if you know Austin, you might think he was messing with you because he is known for his humor and mischief and I had gotten on to him for not having his phone earlier but then he has never teased me about something like a wreck. I immediately called him and asked if that were true and sadly it was. He is fine just a sore neck and shoulder and he was pretty shook up. He was north bound and a pickup headed south decided to make a left turn in front of Austin. Austin swerved to the right (because if he had swerved to the left he could have had a head on collision with other traffic). He thought the guy would see him and stop but he never saw Austin at all until impact. So it was not Austin's fault- thank goodness and no one was seriously injured - thank God almighty for that!!! The truck however is a different story. Austin has only had it about 4 months. Hug your kids (whether they are little or grown) extra tight and never fail to let them know how very precious they are to you!!!


Unknown said...

OH NO!!!! Thank goodness he's okay.... I'm so sorry about his truck.

Nonnas News said...

What a scare! I know the feeling when Aaron had a wreck and I found him in a ditch and he was laying on the side of the road! His car totaled. I will never forget that scene as long as I live. Thank goodness he only had to have a few stiches on his forehead. The EMT said he had an angel in the seat beside him, and I beleive that!(he had been hit by a logging truck) Im so glad Austin is ok.

AMY said...

YIKES! That looks like it could have been much worse! I am so glad everyone is OK. After that a boy needs a hug from his Momma, I don't care how old he is.

Tammy Pearson said...

Oh my word....Thank you Lord that you spared Austin and let him live through this horrible are so good!!!! I am thanking and praising God with you today that Austin made it through that with just a sore neck...and is alive...Praise God!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad Austin is okay. I hope his soreness goes away fast. I'm sorry about his truck.