Wednesday, September 3, 2008

So out of sync . . .

Wow! I cannot seem to get back with the flow. Back in August I posted about Austin having his wisdom teeth removed and then passing out on me and me calling 911. Oh yeah and did I mention that before he passed out I found Rainey at the top of the stairs?? She is fast!! We survived all of that but I had a tooth that I had been having some trouble with and I couldn't understand it because I had had a root canal (yikes) done about 10-15 years ago. I was sent to an endodontist for a "retreat". And that is re-treat, not retreat as in a nice relaxing getaway. I didn't exactly know what that meant but believe me - I know now!!! I made Austin go with me on that fateful Monday because I was keeping Chandler and Rainey so he had his friend Cari go with us. I think he was afraid he might have to change a diaper. hee hee Anyway...a re-treat is exactly what it says-they re-treat the tooth. In my case, when it was done the first time the dentist didn't clean all the way to the bottom of the roots mainly because the root was right at the jaw bone. So the endodontist was going to try to clean it out from the top and he worked for 1 hour and 45 minutes and my mouth remained open the entire time. Boy was it sore. I was supposed to go back on Thursday of the next week and he said he still might have to do the surgery where they clip the roots and treat from the bottom. I asked them before I left that day if I needed an antibiotic or whatever and they said no - he would have written a prescription. I thought I was going to die that night!! Luckily Austin still had some pain pills from his wisdom teeth removal. Yes- I know you are not supposed to take other people's medicine. On Tuesday I had a workshop and by the time we let out for lunch I thought I was going to die for sure!! I went home bawling and had Robert call and they called in a prescription. On Wednesday we went to Britni's to move some more of their stuff in and help her get her classroom set up. I thought I was going to die Wednesday night. I had been alternating the pain pills and ibuprofen like they told me. At 1:30am Thursday I called the answering service and the other endodontist in the office was on call and told me to come in the next morning. I guess I finally got some sleep and when I got up the next morning I was feeling okay so we helped Britni all day in her classroom. I didn't overdo or lift heavy things and I did great all day. I thought maybe the night before was the turning point. Britni and I were still working in her classroom about 9pm when all hell broke loose. I really thought I was going to die for sure this time!! We went back to her house and I said if I don't have some relief in 10 minutes we are going to the hospital for an injection. I forgot to mention that when I woke up Thursday morning my jaw was huge. My whole jaw was swollen and it was swollen down my neck. I slept on and off and finally about 5 am I called the answering service again. The doctor called me back and said I thought you were coming in today and I told him how I had felt better and thought it was getting better but it wasn't. I was bawling again and he said no one is in the office on Fridays. The dam broke!! I cried, I have got to have some relief from this pain. He told me he would take care of me and to come in around 11 because he would have to call in some staff. We got there about 10:30 and I looked like warmed over death and I didn't even care!!! The doctor told me that he needed to lance it and try to get the infection out but if he couldn't get anything out he would have to send me across the street to the oral surgeon to have the tooth removed. He was very concerned with the swelling especially since it was going down my neck. Of course I cried some (a lot) more and the nurse finally had to go get Robert because I had hurt for so long and my defenses were down and I couldn't get a hold of myself. As it ended up I did have to go to the oral surgeon who opted not to try to do an external lance because of the scarring and even then- I still had the problem with the tooth so we decided that the best option was to put me to sleep (thank goodness-finally some relief from the pain) and remove the tooth. I lost a week dealing with that stupid infection and then the next week which was actually Camp Granna and I was still trying to get over myself while trying to do a few fun things with Chandler. Anyway...since that ordeal I just can't seem to get it all together. I feel like I lost 2 weeks and I can't seem to get caught up. And then school started. ugh!! I have missed blogging and reading every one's blog and commenting and such. So maybe I can get started now that is off my chest!!


Nonnas News said...

Wow Lisa!! That is aweful what you went thru!! I'm glad your ok and slowly but surely things will get back to normal! WE have all missed your blogging, but completely understand!!

Tammy Pearson said...

There is nothing worse than a toothache...I have had about 5 or 6 root an endodontist and they know what they are doing...they make the procedure as painless as a regular dentist because that is all they do...I would be bored to death doing that all day...I used one in Tyler, I can't remember his name, but I remember he had pretty eyes.

Glad to have you back.


Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling better. I had a root canal done when I was in high school, it gives me trouble everynow and then. I've been back to the dentist complaining but I'm always told there is nothing more that can be done. I sure hope that it does not turn out to be like yours. It sounded if you had a really hard time with it.

How was Camp Granna? I can't wait to hear about it.

AMY said...

Lisa, I am so sorry you went through all of that! I hope camp granna lifted your spirits...I know it did. I'm glad you are on the road to recovery.