Thursday, September 4, 2008

Camp Granna Day 1

Camp Granna - my favorite week of the year!! We decided make use of points of interest in town so we took the kids to the musuem.

I thought Chandler would like to see all of the bird eggs and butterflies. He did think it was pretty cool that there were so many eggs and that there are birds that lay huge eggs and birds that lay tiny eggs.

Then the butterflies are all different sizes and colors.

Chandler liked the sports displays in the Don Meredith exhibit. Chandler's daddy and Aunt KyKy received the Meredith scholarship which was awesome. They have a plaque displayed with all of the scholarhip recipients names and Chandler was pointing to his daddy's name.

After the museum we went across the street to see the fountain and statues.

We decided to meet Austin for lunch at Chandler's choice - Dairy Queen. Lunch is always kids' chicken strips with Ranch Dressing!! There is a coupon on the bag for a free ice cream sandwich or whatever so Grandad went with Chandler to get his treat. He had been saying that he wanted the ice cream sandwich but when he got to the counter he told Jessica that he wanted an Oreo Blizzard (which does not come with the free coupon), but Jessica is so sweet and she couldn't resist those big blue eyes so she put ice cream in a dish and crumbled Oreos on top and Chandler loved it!!

Next we went to the school. Chandler always likes to go to the "musical park". That's what he calls it. So we had fun playing all the instruments. Baby sister says I'll be playing them next year!!

Even Grandad got in on the music!!

We had a great time with the babies!!


Nonnas News said...

Wonderful memories your making for them! What a fun day!

Tammy Pearson said...

How precious...I always wondered what those huge instruments were for out in the front of the school...I am glad to see someone trying them out...I loved his little quote above about learning how to toot under the arm...I can remember all the boys learning that...they wouldn't stop, they thought it was so funny...I sure do MISS that time now...sure wish I could get it back...I guess we will have to live through our grandchildren this time round.


Anonymous said...

Too fun!!! Isn't it nice to live in a town with such great things to do?