Saturday, July 5, 2008

How to plant a chicken...

Chandler has been wanting to plant a garden even though Grandad already has one with everything from squash and tomatoes to cucumbers and peas. I asked him what he wanted to plant and he said "A chicken." I told him that wasn't possible but I don't think he believed me. We went to the store one day and he picked out some seeds- carrots and broccoli. I don't think he will eat either one of those but that's about all they had at Alco that Grandad had not already planted.

Here is my sweet grandson planting his carrots and broccoli.

Chandler and Grandad tamping the soil down on the seeds!

Chandler and Grandad pulling weeds.

Now we wait for the veggies to grow.


Nonnas News said...

Too cute!! I hope Chandler has lots of carrots and broccoli from his garden. He will be so excited when those plants sprout!

Kim said... better find a way to plant and grow a chicken...come on GRANNA...get on the ball :-)

Love you,