Friday, July 25, 2008

9-1-1 What's your emergency?

Okay- so my husband has been gone almost 3 weeks on an Alaskan cruise with his mother, sister and brother-in-law. However-I told him when he called last week that this will never happen again!! We have never been apart for this long and yes he sometimes gets on my nerves and I probably get on his every now and then but seriously- that is way too long!! So-I have been babysitting the grandkids while my daughter works this summer and she and her husband are about to move and they have been searching for housing and a job for Chuck and such. This has been a stressful summer for all of us. (How silly of me to think that the beginning of the year was stressful with a new grandbaby, graduation and a wedding) Well-not for Robert because he is having a great time and I am glad that he is getting to spend this time with his mother. Really! This week Britni had a workshop on Monday and then again on Thursday and Friday so it was just me and the grandkids and Austin. Austin got his wisdom teeth extracted on Thursday and that is when all H _ _ _ broke loose. The surgery went well but of course I had to take Chandler and Rainey with us because you know-everyone else is out of town. I got Austin home without incident and got him to bed. I knew he would sleep for a while. Well after about an hour and a half he opened his door. There was blood everywhere!! That scared me. I ushered him to the bathroom so we could change the gauze. He spit the old gauze out and was waiting for me to roll up the fresh piece when all of a sudden he headed for the mirror/wall. At first I thought he was feeling weak and was just leaning over to brace himself when I realized he was passing out. It scared me so bad because his eyes were open and he was stiff- almost seizure like and he was not responding to me screaming his name. Of course the little ones were in the room as well which made it worse. I was trying to get Austin to the floor without much damage and at that point I had not felt more alone!! The phone was right there where I got him on the floor and I just grabbed it and dialed 911. I didn't know what else to do. Austin was soooo white and I was soooo scared. The EMTs came right out and checked his vitals and felt that he would be okay. Austin had tubes put in his ears when he was 7 months and that is the only surgery he has ever had. So we figured the Novocaine (mispelled I am sure) and the blood loss and the stress of the surgery all combined to cause the blackout. After the scare was over poor Chandler said "Granna my tummy hurts" and I said mine too. I asked him if that scared him and he said "no but you shouldn't have had Austin's wisdom teeth cut out today." Several times that day he repeated to me that I shouldn't have had that done to Austin. So I plan to have a good cry whenever I can pencil in a time to do it. And my husband should be home on Monday. I told him I deserve something BIG after the time I have had!!


AMY said...

YOWZA GIRL! You have had a tough few weeks. I am sorry to hear things have been so stressfull. I am so glad to hear Austin is OK. Quite a scare! I bet you hug Robert extra tight when he gets home.

Nonnas News said...

OH my goodness!! I feel so bad for you but am glad everything is ok. I cant beleive you let Robert go on a cruise without you!! That was your first mistake missy!! LOL(just kidding) seriously though, Mike would be taking me along too!! You definitly deserve something big after all of that! You are such a good mom amd grandma!!

Seitzs Stories said...

You didn't tell me about Chandler's He is such a funny little guy!

Dawn said...

I ran across your blog and wanted to say hi! I'm glad everything is ok with Austin. That would have scared me!

Tammy Pearson said...

I hate that you had to go through that all alone. If Austin lost his blood clot and is still hurting from the surgery, he may have a dry socket. I worked for the dentist for 7 years and one of the tricks that we used was to get a small tea bag, wet it and put it on the hole where the tooth used to be. That will help, also advil and Tylenol. Either 1 extra strength tylenol or 2 regular strength, and up to 4 advil at one time. It acts like a vicodin for the pain. I am not sure if he is still in pain. But that is what we did for pain. I also had a dry socket myself and the pain is horrible. I hope this isn't what happened to him but he will be glad that he did it in a few weeks and it is over and done with. We will be praying for him.