Friday, June 27, 2008

He did it!!!!

We have been talking to Chandler about taking the training wheels off of his bicycle. At first he wasn't sure if he wanted to do it or not, but this week he decided he wanted to try so yesterday afternoon he got Grandad to take them off. He said, "Granna, you are going to have to hold me up." I gave him a push and off he went. It was so funny. I don't think he thought he would be able to stay up and ride it, but he stayed up and rode a long way and of course the camera was upstairs. I ran to get the camera and he was ready to try again- video below. It wasn't long before he was pushing himself to start and doing it all on his own.

I clicked a still shot and didn't realize until I was looking later that Chandler's buddy, Olsen was right behind him. They have been the best of pals this summer.


Anonymous said...

I can't belive it he is getting so old

Unknown said...

That second picture is just PRECIOUS!!

Nonnas News said...

That boy just took off a flying!! Too cute!!!

Kim said...

WOOOHOOO...You go Chandler!! He was a boy on a mission. I remember when I first learned how to ride a bike....Trees were like a magnet...I would go straight for the trees and run into them EVERYTIME. Good job Chandler avoiding the trees.


AMY said...

BIG BOY! What a summer you guys are having. CHandler will remember this summer forever.