Friday, May 2, 2008


Here it is - 1:20 a.m. - and I am not in bed yet. We went to Tyler today to pick up table cloths and tuxedos. Oh my goodness- Mr. Chandler is so handsome in his tux!!! He asked if he had to stand on the girls side and I told him he can stand wherever he wants to!!

The girls and I are going to get our nails done in the morning. Fun!! Then we need to take some things to the Methodist Family Life Center for the decorators and then we need to take some things to the Baptist Church for the rehearsal. Some of the family from the El Campo/Houston area will head out in the morning. Busy, busy times!!!


Anonymous said...

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I know the wedding will be beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad I can't be there. Know it is going to be beautiful and so much fun. Don't forget to enjoy yourselves:) Love you,Karol Ann