Sunday, May 4, 2008


Our baby girl has a new last name!! I will post lots more pictures later but I thought this was a cute shot that Chuck took before the wedding. We were trying to get Chandler to smile and he was not wanting to have his picture taken!! This is Kylie with her flower girls,(my nieces) Alli and Addi and the ring carrier, Chandler. Chandler says he was the ring carrier rather than the ring bearer. :) They were all so cute. The little girls looked like precious little ballerinas!! And Chandler was so handsome!
The wedding was beautiful as well as the reception. Our coordinators, Jan and Linda did an amazing job and it was so nice to know they were in charge and I didn't have to worry about getting things decorated or cleaning up afterward since I was/am worn out!! Bobbie, the caterer, did an outstanding job on the food and the cake lady as I call her, Mary Lou is so awesome with her cake decorating skills!

More later . . .

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