Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New developments

Little Miss Rainey is pulling up! She was in the pack and play at our house last week and Britni found her pulling up on the side. Oops- we had not lowered the bed. We didn't know that she would start so early! Britni lowered the mattress to the bottom. Britni and the kids went home on Monday and I think Rainey was glad to get back into her own bed. Britni said she heard Rainey on the monitor Tuesday morning and went in to check on her and yep-she had pulled up on the side and was waiting for someone to come and get her!! Luckily she and Chuck had already lowered the crib at their house. I hope Britni will get a video or at least some snapshots to post!

1 comment:

Nonnas News said...

They are growing up too fast! Avery is pulling up also! Ashley had put her in her crib the other morning and went back to check on her and she was pulled up waiting to be noticed! I cant wait to see her this weekend,its been 3 weeks! I hope you have a great Mother's Day also. Your children have had a wonderful role model, and its obvious to see what a great mother Britni is! Happy Mother's Day!!!