Saturday, April 5, 2008

Winding down!

Well...I think we have things in order for the wedding and I hope we haven't forgotten anything major. We may have one small glitch (actually it is a major glitch) and Kylie is going to be so disappointed but my niece and her husband are supposed to sing for the wedding. Karol Ann, my niece, is having severe back problems and may not be able to come. It will be disappointing if she doesn't get to come and sing but more importantly we are praying that the doctor can find a way to help her. Please pray that she will get some relief from the pain!!

Kylie had bridal portraits taken during spring break. We finally got to see them this week and they are beautiful!! I have tried really hard to narrow down the number of pictures that I want to purchase. This is after Steven and Kylie had engagement pictures done and they were fabulous as well and yes I purchased alot of pictures!!


Nonnas News said...

Well it wont be long until the big day!! Now for all the fun of bridal showers,etc.

Kim said...

AWWW...I have a feeling of SPRING....I love your new look!

I haven't RSVPed for the wedding but I am coming.

I can't wait....I love weddings!


Nonnas News said...

I havent RSVP'd either, but count me in!! Weddings are so much fun!!