Monday, April 14, 2008

Surprise visitors!!

We had some unexpected but very welcome guests this weekend!! Kylie and Steven were coming to meet with Bro. Pepper and we knew they were coming because this meeting had been scheduled for a while. Friday afternoon I was talking to Kylie and I was teasing her and I asked if Chandler had his bag packed. She said yes but if it is not right then his mommy will have to do it when she gets home. I said are they coming too??!! I had not seen any of them in 2-3 weeks and I didn't think that I was going to get to see them until the week of the wedding because Britni has to take a test next Saturday and won't get to come for Kylie's bridal shower. I would have gone over a month without seeing those babies and that was going to be bad!!! So we had a fun weekend.

Little Miss Rainey, who turned 6 months old on Friday, is doing the Army crawl and believe me she gets to where she wants to go in a hurry!! Chandler is not liking the fact that she can now get to his toys.

I had taken several pictures of Rainey and then she cocked her head to one side like she was tyring to figure out what I was doing! Look at that sugar dripping off of her sweet chin.

Chandler showing me his strong muscles!! :) Precious boy!!


Nonnas News said...

What a sweet surprise!! Sounds like Grannalisa had a grand weekend!!

AMY said...

I can't believe she is 6 months old! Where does the time go? I know you adored your time together. From the looks of it, those babies adored their time with you guys.

Kim said...

Oh my, Rainey is a sweetheart and as cute as a button...I love the big hair bow. Tell Chandler I can NOT believe a boy his age can have muscles that does he keep them from busting out of his clothes....tell him Kimi said that.

Rainey is looking more and more like Chandler every were blessed with BEAUTIFUL grand kids!!!

I didn't do my blog myself...a friend did it for me...she is trying to get a business started and said she wanted to do mine for some pratice....I think she is really good....your blog looks great....I LOVE the pattern you chose.
