Thursday, March 20, 2008


I am having a blast with these babies. As a matter of fact Princess Rainey is helping me with this post so if there happens to be extra unexplained letters they are Rainey's input. We have shopped, played cars and trucks and Wii, we have gotten 6 sugar cookies at the mall (that is always Chandler's request) and eaten at Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers!! On Wednesday Kylie had bridal pictures done. Jesse de la Cruz with Studio 360 took them. She looked so beautiful!! I can't wait to get the pictures. Studio 360 is where Britni had Chandler and Rainey's first pics done and their first family pictures. Jesse does an awesome job and their pictures were super!! Kylie and Steven have gone today to get engagement pics done. Our niece is doing them and she takes wonderful pictures so I know they will be awesome. Amy will also be doing the pictures for the wedding. Gotta go play. Later. . .

1 comment:

AMY said...

I know you have been having a blast. ENJOY!