Monday, March 31, 2008


I spent spring break with the kids and grandkids but I have not had time to post any pictures so here goes!!

Sweet, sweet grandkids!!

Pretty family!!


Precious angels!!

During spring break our niece at Intimate Photography by Amelia took engagement photos of Kylie and Steve. The pictures are wonderful!! Amy posted a few on her website if you would like to check it out.

I went back this weekend for the Vet School open house and Britni and a couple of Kylie's friends had a lingerie shower for her.

I think she had fun and Britni had her home decorated really cute. I had a great weekend but I am already fretting because I think I may not get to see the grandkids for a month. Yikes!!!

1 comment:

Nonnas News said...

I fret too when I have to go more than 2 weeks without seeing Avery. Thats usually when I plan a "lets meet in Tyler or Longview" day haha